Kate Krader

HRN Hall of Fame: Kate Krader

[caption id="attachment_59033" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Image Credit Evan Ortiz[/caption]

Nominated by: Tech Bites

Kate Krader is a leading expert in food and restaurant trends. She was the restaurant editor at Food & Wine magazine for 20 years, and currently covers high-end dining, the world’s best chefs, luxurious food travel destinations, and much more for Bloomberg Pursuits. Her work has led the industry and public-at-large to exceptional meals and delicious experiences. She has used her media reach not only to inform, but also to uplift communities and causes that support people, animals and the planet.

Appearances on HRN:

Speaking Broadly: The Food Clairvoyant
Tech Bites: 2017 Trend Forecast With Kate Krader
Tech Bites: Kate Krader And Steven Hall On The Instagram Effect
Special Feature: Kate Krader On Nyt Revamp
All In The Industry: Kate Krader
Taste Matters: Restaurant Tastes And Trends With Kate Krader
The Main Course: Helene York, Ed Brown, Aaron Oster, Rachel Saunders, Kf Seetoh, Dana Cowin, Gail Simmons & Kate Krader