Michael W. Twitty

HRN Hall of Fame: Michael W. Twitty

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Nominated by: A Taste of the Past

Michael W. Twitty, a culinary and cultural historian, examines Southern food and shows how it is integral to both American culinary traditions and African American heritage, and how they are intertwined. He recreates the recipes and cooks with ingredients as close to original as possible. Through his work, Michael Twitty has recaptured lost flavors and connections and, most importantly, broadened awareness and understanding of African American culinary identity.

Appearances on HRN:

Origins: A Speaker Series with Michael Twitty
Food Without Borders: The Cooking Gene with Michael Twitty
Joshua David Stein Variety Hour…Half Hour: The Uneasy Politics of Fried Chicken
A Taste Of The Past: Fried Chicken: Tracing The African Roots With Michael Twitty
Hot Grease: Michael Twitty
Hot Grease: Cooking Gene, Food & Travel