Gordon Edgar

HRN Hall of Fame: Gordon Edgar

[caption id="attachment_59458" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Image Credit Myleen Hollero[/caption]

Nominated by: Cutting the Curd

Gordon Edgar is dedicated to equitable cheese retail, and shares his pure love of the product through his writing. A favorite cheesemonger among mongers and customers alike, Gordon's no-nonsense approach is one we very much value at Cutting the Curd. His commitment to the worker-owned cooperative business model, at Rainbow Grocery in San Francisco, is an inspiration to others in the cheese industry, and his curiosity about the cultural implications of cheese history is a delight he shares with his two books Cheesemonger and Cheddar.

Appearances on HRN:

Cutting the Curd: Gordon Edgar
Cutting the Curd: American Cheese Society Conference
Cutting the Curd: Book Review: Cheddar
Cutting the Curd: Cheese Power to the People