Megan Elias

HRN Hall of Fame: Megan Elias

[caption id="attachment_57763" align="aligncenter" width="640"] image credit Boston University[/caption]
Nominated by: Meant To Be Eaten

As the Director of Gastronomy at Boston University, and the author of five books about food and culture, Megan J. Elias helps us understand how food trends impact what we consume. She makes the compelling—and slightly terrifying—argument that our taste is not our own, thus forcing each of us to ask tough questions about our presumptuous understanding of what makes our food system equitable. Her most recent book, Food on the Page, is a history of American cookbooks.

Appearances on HRN:

Meant To Be Eaten: Expectations Vs. Reality
Eat Your Words: Food On The Page: Cookbooks And American Culture
A Taste Of The Past: Cookbook Temptation In American Culture
A Taste Of The Past: The Great American Debate: No National Dish